A minimal lubrication system operating on ultra low oil consumption. Compressed air is used as a carrier. Metered oil, suitably mixed with air, is conveyed in non atomised state to the lubrication point. AZETA AIR MIX is especially recommended for lubrication of high speed rolling contact bearings on spindles, electro-spindles and of rotating bushes of lathes with sliding headstock. For linear guides, the continuous flow keeps clean the tracks and races of balls or slides, as well as the contact races of rolling contact bearings.
single and combinable mixers

Built for using:
single or combinable
Lubricant air connection:
for Ø 6 (Ø8-Ø4) pipe
Lubricant air adjusting:
single, by screw
Lubricant air nominal flow rate:
from 0 up to 200 liters/min
(nom. Ø 2)
Maxing unit base
Built in 5 models
for 2-3-4-5-6 mixing units
Network air connection:
1/4″ G at 2 ends
Wall fastening
The ultra high speed, powerful, precise movements of today’s machine tools call for optimal, long-lasting and clean lubrication. The AZETA new system ensures this after many years of tests on its own machine tools.

Built for using:
single or combinable
Lubricant air connection:
for Ø 6 (Ø8-Ø4) pipe
Lubricant air adjusting:
single, by screw
Lubricant air nominal flow rate:
from 0 up to 200 liters/min
(nom. Ø 2)
Maxing unit base
Built in 5 models
for 2-3-4-5-6 mixing units
Network air connection:
1/4″ G at 2 ends
Wall fastening
The AIR MIX system is a minimal lubrication air-oil system, with low oil consumption. The oil is dosed intermittently, while the flow of air is continuous. These two elements produce a very fine lubricating mixture that uses air as a carrier. The quantity of oil comes within a value, in many cases even lower, of 10-7 compared to the air, per unit of time. This mixture can be modified with the flow rate of the dosing valve and the number of operations-hour according to the requirements of lubrication or lube cooling.
single and combinable mixers with valve for check occlusion

Valve for check of lubricant air channel occlusion:
single, for each mixing unit.
One-way combinable connection:
for check of lubricant air occulsion from one point only.
Pressure switch :
for channel/s occlusion alarm signal.
Check valve on lubricant oil connection :
for single mixing unit (necessary for lubricant air pressure higher than 1,5/2 bar)
The AIR MIX system with occlusion check is different from the basic version in the mixer modules, which have the addition of a special valve in line with the lubricant air duct. The mixer module with the occlusion check valve can be used on its own or combinable, fitted on a mixing unit base. Its being combinable also allows mixed use of mixers with or without occlusion check valves, following the rule of keeping the modules side by side with the valve for the combinable connection.
mixers with micropump

The AIR MIX with Micropump system is different from the basic version as concerns the oil injection that takes place with a micropump, replacing the dosing valve, installed at the oil inlet of the mixer module. The mixer module with micropump can be used on its own or combinable, fitted on a mixing unit base. The micropump is a true volumetric pneumatic plunger piston pump, governed by a single-acting pneumatic cylinder with spring return. The supply of oil to the micropumps takes place by gravity from a reservoir set at a greater height.
Air mist EVO 2

AZETA AIR MIX EVO2 comprises an air-oil lubrication unit with two channels with mixer modules and micropumps, complete with all the accessories for the timed electric control, ready for use. The AIR MIX system is a minimal lubrication air-oil system, with low oil consumption. The oil is dosed intermittently, while the flow of air is continuous. These two elements produce a very fine lubricating mixture that uses air as a carrier. The quantity of oil comes within a value, in many cases even lower, of 10-7 compared to the air, per unit of time. This mixture can be modified according to the requirements of lubrication or lube cooling.